Lecture Series in Ancient Indian Sciences |
Lecture 4 |
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Dr. K. Newton |
Abstract |
The great Saint and Scholar Adi Sankara said in his Bhaja Govindam
Punarapi Jananam Punarapi Maranam
Punarapi Janane Jathare Sayanam
Which highlights the truth of rebirth after death and the repetition of this process over and over again. While there is no doubt about this concept in the Indian mind, psychiatrists in the West like Bruce Goldberg, Brian Weiss etc personally studied and experienced the concept of rebirth to be true. The latter is also the author of one of the best selling books 'Many lives, Many Masters'. It is being scientifically proved that the present day physical and mental health problems of an individual are directly related to the past actions (Karmas) of an Individual. Thus by taking the patient into his/her past life one can effectively cure many chrominic diseases, phobias etc. This is called past life regression. In this technique the client is taken to deep levels of relaxation through appropriate suggestions and by inducing a trance. In this state of deep altered consciousness, it is possible for the patient to access past memories, which are otherwise inaccessible. The past life memories are well preserved in the subconscious mind, which can be triggered during the relaxation process either by hypnotic or non-hypnotic techniques.
In non-hypnotic techniques, the client is taken to the past lives by using affect bridge technique, linguistic bridge technique, visual bridge technique, bodywork, Christos technique, dream work, spontaneous recall, meditation etc. Hypnotic methods are suitable in the case where the client is cooperative. After reaching a satisfactory state of altered consciousness, the patient is taken to his childhood days and gradually down to embrio state. It is in this that flashes of inter life events and past life memories flash in the consciousness of the life. The technique has been proved successful in several hundreds and thousands cases, where people shed off their irrational phobias, physical ailments, and emotional distress in the present life. In other cases where miraculous turnabouts did not happen, atleast the sense of acceptance of the present situation has greatly enhanced. The past life regression technique, which absolutely uses no medicines, is gaining tremendous popularity and acceptance in the present day stressed up world. |
Lecture 3 |
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Dr.PBA Venkatacharya |
Abstract |
The Constitution of Human Body is called Purusha Vichaya. The word Purusha is homonymous depending on the contexts. In Ayurveda it means a living human being. Ayurveda is the Science devoted to the consideration of what is good (Hita) bad (Ahita) to life. The word Vichaya means Analysis. Purusha Vichaya means analysis of the human being. The human being is described as Tridhatu Purusha comprises
Satva (mind)+ Atma (soul)+Sarira (body)
while Shaddhatuka Purusha comprises five gross elements
(Pancha Bhutas) + Soul
Mind is presumed to be in soul and organs in Pancha Bhutas.According to Nyaya Vaishesika theory the evolution of Bhutas and Purusha follows as
Akash - Vayu - Agni -- Apaha - prithvi -aushadha - annam --purusha
Deha or sarira (body) is derived from Pancha Bhutas, Ahara is also derived from Pancha Bhutas. Deha is the combination of the doshas + dhatus + malas. The Dhatus are also combination of Bhutas as follows:
Rasa (Apah), Rakta (Tejas + Apah), Mamsa (Prithvi), Asthi (Vayu + Prithvi),
Medas ( Apah + Prithvi), Majja ( Apah), Sukra (Apah).
The Malas again are combination of Bhutas such as Mutra (Apah + Tejas)
Purisha (Prithvi) and Sweda (Apah)
The causes (Hetu) a diseases are Ahara (diet), Vihara(habitat), Abhighat(Injury), Manasika(Psychic), Upasargika(infection) , Ritu(Seasonal) , Dustambu(polluted Water), Desham(regional) and Chikitsa Karma Viparyaya (diseases caused by
wrong treatment)
The principles of treatment are summed up as Nidanena Parivarjan (avoiding causative factors), Sodhana(elimination Of Doshas), Samana(medicinal treatment), Surgical measures (Sastra Pranidhaniyam) and Satvavajaya (psychiatry)
The suggestion for good health is given by the sloka.
" Kale hita mita bhoji, Krita chankramanaha
Kramena vamasayeetu,Avidhruta
mutra purishaha Streeshu hitatmanaha
" So-A-Ruk", "So-A-Ruk""
Which means that one who takes, Hita(good) and Mita(limited) ahara in time, takes proper exercise and rest and has regular excretory functions and free from psychic vikaras such as Kama etc. is free from disease. |
Lecture 2 |
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Dr. C.S.R. Prabhu |
Abstract |
India is known to be one of the most ancient sources of knowledge on metallurgy. Sanskrit literature is replete with extensive descriptions of metallurgical formulations of various alloys of basic metals as Copper, Zinc, Iron, Gold and Silver. The Vedas, which are the oldest human literature, have extensive references to Gold and Silver indicating the knowledge of their mining and extraction. The later Sanskrit texts, some of them specialized texts of metallurgy; describe in detail the metallurgical processes even for other metals as copper, zinc and iron. During medieval period iron and 'Wootz' steel was used for making swords as the Damascus Sword whose very special properties are not understood even today. The Mehrouli Iron Pillar in Delhi stands today as a homage and evidence to advanced metallurgical practices in the ancient times in India.
Even more mysterious are the descriptions given in the Vimana Shastra, an aeronautics and rocketry text, for various formulations for a large variety of alloys used in various parts and assemblies of the Vimana. Some formulations for alloys given in the Vimana Shastra have been tried out in the laboratory and found to be novel with interesting and special properties. Some more alloys with 'super alloy' properties described in the Vimana Shastra are yet to be deciphered and reproduced. In this lecture the results achieved till now as also the descriptions of metallurgical processes and formulations for advanced alloys in the Vimana Shastra are discussed.
The number of formulae for new materials consisting of special alloys, ceramics and glasses have been deciphered and some of them were actually produced based on the formulae from the ancient Sanskrit texts of Vimana Shastra (quoting Lohatantra), Amsu Bodhini, Kritaka Vajra Nirnaya, etc., based on the dictations of the texts and formulae by the Late Pandit Subbaraya Shastri of Anekal (1855 - 1940 A.D).
1. Tamogarbha loha: Already produced in the laboratory, light in weight, black in color, found to be resistant to acids. Displayed high level of absorption for laser light (from red Ruby laser - as observed by Prof. Robert Anderson of San Jose State University during his visit to India in December 1991). Some chemical and other properties found to be unique-patentable new alloy. This alloy was used in 'Tamo Yantra' in the Vimana Shastra for the purposes of absorption of light escaping from a photochemical reaction which resulted in absorption of light, thereby generating 'darkness'.
2. Pancha Loha (not the Panchaloha for making idols): A copper alloy, which is highly malleable and also highly corrosion resistant to moisture and salt (NaCl) water. Already produced and characterized to possess golden yellow Color (Hema Varnam). High machinability and on microstructure analysis found to be single-phase alloy with high malleability ('mridulam') and not found listed in ASM Reference (1988).
3. Arama Tamra: A copper alloy zinc, lead and iron of light absorption. Already produced and possesses golden yellow to reddish tinge. Brittle, light and hard, on microstructure analysis found to be two-phase alloy. Very hard, Young's modulus 16.9 (described in Sanskrit text as 'Dridham') not listed in ASM Reference (1988). |
Lecture 1 |
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Shri. RVSS Avadhanulu |
Abstract |
Earthquakes are among the greatest natural hazards, which kill thousands of people and render many more homeless and destroy properties worth crores. Unlike cyclones and floods, they occur all too sudden and before any precaution can be taken. In spite of the several advances claimed, modern science which spends millions of dollars on research on earthquakes is a helpless observer, except for a post mortem of the event. It is in this context that one may be benefited by looking into the ancient Indian Vedic Sciences for possible clues on this subject of predictive seismology. Interestingly, Varahamihira has devoted a chapter on the signs of earthquakes in his monumental work titled 'Brhat Samhita'. This work is accessible to the modern scientist among others, by the work of M.Ramakrishna Bhat, which includes an English translation, notes and literary comments on the original work of Varahamihira. He classified earthquakes into four categories depending on their origin due to wind, fire, rain and underground flow of water, all of which are in turn related to heavenly bodies and their movement. It is noteworthy that according to him there will be precursors to the earthquakes a week in advance. According to Parasara eclipses of the luminaries, unnatural phenomenon occurring in the planets and special movement of heavenly bodies cause earthquakes.
Keeping this in view, in the present study 27 major earthquakes of the last century distributed all over the globe have been taken up to study the planetary positions at the time of earthquake and Raasi Chakras prepared. Plots have been prepared between the positions of Saturn and Moon, Lagna and Moon, Saturn and Sun and Jupiter and Mars, Jupiter and Sun, Saturn and Mars, Saturn and Jupiter and Lagna and Jupiter. Although there is a lot of scatter in most of the plots there is a remarkable correlation in the plot between Jupiter and Saturn positions. The normal probability graph between Jupiter and Saturn showed a remarkable correlation. These encouraging results show that it may be worthwhile to pursue further research on these lines. |