Lecture Series in Ancient Indian Sciences |
Lecture 9 |
Vedic Ecology |
by |
Dr. B.Laxmi |
Abstract |
Ecology is the science of interdependence of all living organisms on the Earth and also with the environment around them. When we talk of ecology what immediately comes to the mind is the modern science of ecology, which is among the youngest of modern sciences. Contrary to this, Vedic ecology is one of the oldest sciences and in practice for several millennia. Broadly the differences between Vedic ecology and modern ecology can be summarized as follows: |
Vedic Ecology |
Modern Ecology |
Very ancient |
Recent origin |
Highly advanced |
Developing stage |
Unique |
Non-unique, contradicts with So called development |
Balance is automatically achieved |
Special efforts are required |
Very cheap |
Very expensive |
The Indians trace all the knowledge under the sun to the Supreme. The ancient Indians new that man’s performance, efficiency, well-being etc. not only depend on his intrinsic qualities but also on his environment. This environment is largely dependent on the nature of the soil, air and water, which in turn control the flora and fauna of the region around him.
The numerous Indian rituals, festivals, etc. are all aimed at preserving the ecology. There is tremendous amount of science in these apparently routine practices. For example: when you perform yagjna and offer into the sacred fire, oblations of ghrita (ghee) and other substances, they invigorate the atmosphere and lead to rejuvenating rain and warm rays, light, vigor, vitality and life as a whole. The original practices followed on the days of festivals like Sankranti, Ugadi, Holi, Ganesh Chaturdhi, Deepavali etc. have specific eco friendly purposes. The author explains in detail the wonderful concepts behind the ancient Indian ecological practices. |
Lecture 8 |
by |
Shri. RVSS Avadhanulu, |
Deputy Director(Computers)
Nizam's Institute of Medical Sciences
Hyderabad |
Abstract |
The seers and sages of this holy land sacrificed their lives and passed on to us the Vedas and Sastras, which constitute the invaluable treasure of eternal knowledge, useful for both the temporal and spiritual worlds. Several scholars of western hemisphere admired the advances made by India based on Vedas in ancient times. This has been a source of inspiration for many to study the Vedic sciences from a modern viewpoint. A step in this direction is the study of Mimamsa Nyaya Prakasa.
It was noticed that several scientific aspects of computer software are embedded in Vedas and Sastras almost in the same form. The approach of compilers in translating the statements of computer languages is found to closely follow the approach of Mimamsa in its Vakyartha vicarana.
It is also observed that certain aspects, which are well established in Mimamsa are not yet implemented in computers. The work on Vedas and Computers is a humble beginning in the direction of highlighting the parallels of both the systems and exploring the utility of Vedic system for furtherance of modern computer technology. |
Lecture 7 |
by |
Dr.Srinivas Madabhushi |
Abstract |
The RgVeda, one of the oldest literary works of the entire humanity and the proud possession of ancient Indians, handed over as a heritage from generation to generation by oral tradition, contains an amazing range of scientific wisdom.
The 'nasadiya' sukta of tenth mandala of RgVeda is famous for both the scientific and philosophical concepts it reflects. While the Kant-Laplace hypothesis of the formation of the Universe is reflected in the first few stanzas, the unparalleled philosophical concept 'so anga veda yadi va na veda' (Whether the Supreme Soul knows or not that the creation is going on around him). The na asat na sat is reflective of zero state or total single black hole concept. From this state the next stage of ambhas is formed because of the will of the Super Soul, which is a motionless, dark collection of fluid particles representing the electron cloud. In it motion was induced by the will of the Supreme Soul.
The concept of earth as a three layered sphere in the Sathapatha Brahmana, - agni garbha iyam vai prthvi; tritha lika, angina, prthivya, oshadhibhi' meaning the earth has a hot interior and it has three layers the hot layer, the lithosphere and the biosphere is wonderful. The 'apam napat' of the second mandala of RgVeda describes a form of fire whose description tallies only with the 'mid-oceanic ridge lava' (sanu or a ridge). It is in the deep depths of the Ocean into which the rivers either individually or joining together flow. It comes out from the womb of the earth. It energizes waters and gets energized by them. It is golden hued and golden coloured and sustains life.The first sukta of Rgveda itself addresses the god of fire Agni as ratnadhatamam i.e. the bestower of gems. How can Agni give out gems? This expression reflects the fact that the ancient Indian wisdom is aware of the role of fire (temperature) in the formation of gems. The 14th Century Vagbhata's Rasaratna samucaya, written at a time, which was considered as a dark age for the development of geology in Europe, has systematic classifications of ores. The classification of Iron Ore and Mica is very interesting and can act as a model for modern mineralogy. The dravaka loha is not known to modern science. Similarly the emerald gem with anti-snake poison qualities is not yet known to modern world.
The concepts of the astrology of Varahamihira that the scientists even if they are mlechas are to be treated as rishis as a token of respect to their knowledge is a torchbearer to the scientific methodology of universal erudition.The chapter on udakargaladhyaya i.e. 'ground water exploration' in his Brhat Samhita is not only worth a study by the students of geology, ecology and environmental science etc. Another exciting chapter in Brhat Samhita is that on Bhukampalakshanadhyaya, i.e. the Chapter on Earthquakes. The concepts on earthquakes attributed to four great rishis correlate with the modern concepts as under: |
Name of Rishi |
Ancient concept |
Modern concept |
Kaasyapa |
Earthquakes are caused by the great aquatic force |
Mid oceanic ridge lava and plated movements |
Vasishta |
Collision of the terrestrial and celestial winds. |
Moon's perigee, Jupiter's position, sun spots |
Garga |
movement of the elephants, which hold the earth in position. |
The accumulation of stress and balancing by release |
Vrddha Garga |
unknown causes. |
Unknown causes like Dams and ground water |
Varahamihira identifies four seismological zones. The seismological zones when plotted on a map show a correlation with modern zones of high seismicity in the Himalayan region. When the directions suggested by names of the seismological zones of Varahamihira are plotted at their respective locations, they show positive correlation with the modern stress zones. This data supplements modern data in gap areas like the India-Nepal border. |
Lecture 6 |
by |
Shri. Nanduri Sai Prasad |
Abstract |
As scientists are working in narrower and narrower fields they often loose sight of totality of "science knowledge". Science, obviously, cannot exist in bits and pieces and each piece claiming itself representing the true science. This is why the goal of science is to unify the forces of nature and arrive at a single force or law that can explain everything in this universe, right from the inner working of atoms up to the cosmos. This single law must also explain the origin and evolution of life and consciousness
Modern Science, which was born only about three four centuries ago has seen tremendous growth till date and has been so inseparably twined with the present day society in all walks of life. This is in spite of the fact that the present day science is plagued with innumerable problems like indeterminism, irreversibility, uncertainty, nonlinearties catastrophes, chaos, complexity, speed barrier, entropy barrier, information barrier and language barrier.
On the technological front, the situation is quite alarming as no technology seems to be economical taking into account the real costs and environmental considerations. Today the machine age, faced with resistance from the environment, is screeching to a halt. The decline of the industrial era may soon force us to confront the painful limitations of the mechanical model of reality. Moreover, no technology can be considered to be harmless if we are concerned with the health of our fellow citizens.
Fundamental theories that might be evolved in future are unlikely to generate technology spin-offs in proportion to the knowledge they are likely to produce. As a consequence, in commercial and economic terms, politicians may discourage investments in fundamentals sciences. Well before the first quarter of 21st century, the environmental problems coupled with shortages in food, water and oil, and pursuance of survival strategies will take precedence over fundamental science. As a result, scientists will be spending their entire time and energy in solving the environmental problems coupled with survival needs of an ever-increasing world population. There will be no time or resources left for the scientists to pursue fundamental science.
For a complex system like our universe, the whole is more than the sum of its individual components and hence studying part-by-part may not lead to complete knowledge about our universe. Furthermore, trying to predict the behavior of a system, as complex as our universe, while carrying out the predictions from inside that system is a self-defeating task.
Biological systems are also complex systems. For example, in humans, the protein cytochromec has a chain of 104 amino acids, which is pretty short by the protein standards. Even so its folded three-dimensional structure is very complex and unless the scientists get it right the organism won't work properly. Understanding all the possible configurations of this simple protein structure might take billions of years using a super - computer.
Lastly environmental and ecological degradation caused by the application various technologies might force the future scientists to devote their entire time and resources for solving the environmental problems having no resources or time for the pursuit of fundamental science.
It seems highly improbable that the empirical science in the present form, with so many inherent limitations, would be able to comprehend the reality.
It is amazing that the industrial civilization, which has been so attractive and inevitable for the exploding population of the world, may come to a grinding halt. If civilizations like India have survived several millennia, it is solely because of the Brilliant vedic wisdom, which has provided with the best possible equation between man and nature. Here is an opportunity for every thinking Indian to dig up the great ancient Indian Wisdom not only for the benefit of his own country but also to help the world in the preservation of life on this planet. |
Lecture 5 |
by |
Dr. B.Lakshmi |
Abstract |
Since the dawn of civilization mankind has been using one form or the other of treating illness and recovering health. We are aware of some of the popularly used systems of medicines like allopathy, homeopathy, ayurveda, unani etc. But there are other exciting ways of treating disease of a human body. Actually the human body is enveloped by a number of sheaths that are grouped into the physical plane, astral plane and spiritual plane. In the modern system of the medicine only the physical body is cured and that is how we find people suffering from diseases beyond the diagnosis and beyond the detect ability of the modern medicine. The biotherapy is based on the fact that each living system is associated with certain amount of bio energy, which is in turn related to the cosmic energy in the universe. In the West this biotherapy includes techniques like flower therapy, color therapy, acupuncture, radionics etc.
According to ancient Indian Sciences different types of bio energy control the Sookshma Sareera. Interestingly every Indian custom, festival, ritual is based on advanced scientific wisdom in preserving and promoting not only the health of the individual but also all living beings around him and the Nature itself. It is interesting that the various kinds of bio energies, their deficiencies are analogically related to certain Goddesses and corresponding flowers (bio vedic flower therapy). The diseases caused by the deficiency/imbalance of a person's bioenergy are balanced by administering water processed by the particular flower.
Another interesting aspect of this bioenergy is its three dimensional polarity - top to bottom, front to back and left to right. Change in this polarity may cause disease. This is remedied by various orbiting techniques, like moving clockwise, around oneself, around a cow, around particular types of trees as well as around deities in temples, all of which are associated with typical bio energies.
Bio Vedic therapy is a therapy to treat bio energy (Prana) of the body with different concepts mentioned in Vedic Scriptures. In fact the ancient scriptures have set up guidelines to maintain good health rather than cure a disease. Health according to the ancient scriptures was always referred to a holistic health including physical, mental, emotional health leading to a blissful. In rituals every god and goddess is represented by a particular plant and offered a particular food so the plant representing that particular god or goddess will balance the particular force or energy in our body or nature. For example the astamatrikas Brhmi, Maheswari, Kumari, Vaishnavi, Varahi, Mahendri, Chamundi, Sivadooti, they control the nature of Kama Krodha lobha moha madha mastharaya damba and darapa. So these emotions are controlled by above plants representing the deities and restore the health.
The concept of bio energies is gaining increasing acceptance among the modern Scientists. Our physical body (Sthula Sareera) is controlled by subtle or astral body (Sookshma Sareera). The later is the repository of pure vibrant vitality is life force, which is called bio energy. The physical body has 64 components comprising five sense organs, five organs of action, five elements made up of earth, water, fire, ether, air and mind which coordinates the rest of the organs. The subtle body is also composed of all these 16 components but on a subtle level. Within the subtle body a more subtle body called casual body exists which is composed, besides the five tanmantras or sensely organs. The ego and the intelligence. When a disease is manifested in the physical body due to imbalance/deficiency the balance can be restored by bio therapy, batch flower therapy, bio vedic flower therapy based on the ancient Indian Wisdom including Vedas and other scriptures. Obviously these are all directly or indirectly related to the universal cosmic energy. |