Lecture Series in Ancient Indian Sciences |
Lecture 29 |
Dr T.S.Ramakrishna |
Founder and Secretary ESWARA |
Science, economics and culture, though appear to be three very different subjects, are intertwined, with each having an imprint and impact on the other two in our lives. Science and economics dramatically alter the culture and lifestyle of a people. Since Independence we have been on a path of development largely based on the Western Model. Although we have tasted a lot of benefits by this type of development, formidable problems are cropping up. Of course the stakes on our development programs are too high to make any drastic changes like blasting the Agni Missile or the rocket carrying Insat 4C . But it appears possible and necessary to make some course corrections, for the survival of two of the most important things for the society, the human environment and the human values.
Once upon a time India was scientifically, economically and culturally a super power. But today, sadly, we are called a ‘developing country', desperately trying to catch up with the developed world at enormous cost. Science, which simply means knowledge is today defined as knowledge ascertained by observation and experiment, critically tested, systematized and brought under general principles. Anything that does not fit into this description, as of now, is condemned as superstition. Following this concept, we have created dozens of research institutes and laboratories in science, industry, medicine, agriculture, defense etc with a great success. To day we are proud of our scientists produced in thousands in a variety of fields with some of them considered world class. Due to consequent thought slavery of pursuing an imported science, we have been using all our energies and resources to prove Mr. White right! We have accepted whenever and whatever he said with out so much of a murmur. If he now says that construction of dams on a river is a bad proposition or organic farming is better than chemical farming or genetically modified (GM) foods are bad or there are only eight planets in the solar system, we have no objection because following his footsteps, we obtained degrees, accolades and awards. Irrespective of the outputs and their utility, we have come to believe that sophistication, high technology, procurement of expensive equipment, huge projects costing enormous amounts, high profile collaborative research with developed countries are indicators of scientific excellence.
Dazed by this modern science, we have dropped the amazing wealth of Ancient Indian Sciences which are time tested, final, clear, native, cheap, eco friendly, service oriented and promoters of a unified society. With an avowed respect and protection for Nature, Ancient India's science was of a different kind. Even the scientists were quite different. They were none other than the sages who lived for the society and renounced everything except knowledge. Consciousness was their knowledge base and mind was their laboratory. With extraordinary sensory perception, far superior to any sophisticated sensors of today, they saw the past, present and future. And they used their knowledge only for the good of the society
Most people do not know that the Ancient Indian Sciences have dealt with almost every branch of science including agriculture, artificial intelligence, astrology, astronomy, consciousness, earthquakes, ecology, mathematics, medicine, metallurgy, solar energy, space technology etc. But while it is impossible to imagine our lives with out modern science now, a collaborative research may lead to a sobering effect on the scientists as well as society, with the prospect of an extended life on this planet.
India 's wealth was estimated at 22% of the total wealth of the world in the year 1700 as against 2% now. But due to foreign invasions and rule capped by the industrial revolution, our science, economy as well as culture have been seriously damaged. Not only India but every individual and every country in the world is bitten by the ‘development bug' and is stretching beyond the limits of endurance. But it has to remembered that as the developing countries desperately try to catch up with the developed countries, the latter also will surge forward leaving us behind still a developing country.
Meanwhile the concept of materialism is going deeper in to the psyche of every one resulting in a steady degradation of human values. There is large scale discontent in the society, which is completely stratified, with each stratum trying to corner as much benefits as possible at the cost of other. Each stratum is oblivious to the pain and suffering of the others. Inequalities grew with each year and each Five Year plan. Greed of one and jealousy of the other have brought into fore frustration, intolerance and hatred. While the weak and God fearing people suffered silently, physically stronger ones and desperados revolted in the form of musclemen, naxalites and terrorists. Once they are accustomed to easy money through wrong means, they got stuck to it. Political support for such people only strengthened their activities.
Interestingly, when we look back, we see that we fail every system and blame the system and go for a new system and the process continues. The taste of easy money is like the taste of blood. We have heard of sharks and cannibals. We also find that in spite of poverty the poor people in India tried to live happily. Now we give them sleepless nights by propagating crass materialism. Of course today even the rich are unhappy amidst riches because they are not richer. Let us realize that the country and its resources are not meant for one or two generations. We cannot go on vandalizing the Mother Earth as if there is no tomorrow, as if there is no body to live after we depart.
Culture in its true meaning is a way of life which is not natural but cultivated through practice by the people of a land based on their ancestry, history, geography and above all faith. But with every country trying to become a developed one, a sort of knowledge based uniculture is developing. Interestingly when one reaches the limits of knowledge, he necessarily falls back on faith. Love and affection, care and concern are evaporating even among kith and kin in this uniculture. Taking the lead in this respect is the urbanites who are the role models for the underprivileged rural and tribal folk. Thus we are making a mockery of the art and science of peaceful living.
There is something strikingly similar in modern science, modern economics and modern culture all of which are driven by the craze for instant results, instant relief, instant fame, instant money at the cost of long term perils. If we do not apply some course corrections to our science, economy and culture, the worst of India will swallow the best of India before of our dreams of Vision 2020 are fulfilled. Let us give up the Western Model and develop ourselves keeping in mind our billion plus population, resources and invaluable heritage.Let us take advantage of our ancient wisdom and combine the best of both worlds to follow a path of progress with peace!
Lecture 28 |
Scientific Literature from Ancient Indian Scriptures - A study by I-SERVE |
Sri Kuppa Venkata Krishna Murthy |
Abstract |
The presence of scientific knowledge in the Vedic and Post Vedic Ancient Indian literature is amply proved by the quotations which are extensively available in the commentaries on the great works like Ramayana, Mahabharata, Pancha Kavyas etc. A List of these quotations is prepared and analyzed to determine the various branches of science available in ancient India . It is amazing that Ancient Indian Sciences have dealt with every subject under the Sun - agriculture, including natural fertilizers, plant and animal sciences (the later covering leather technology), mathematics, astronomy, cosmology, medicine including surgery, physics, chemistry and engineering including architecture as well as aeronautics, besides several others. The results of this scientific literature survey till date are summarized here, based on the numerous works cited. The classification of various branches of science in those days was not the same as today but more application oriented as can be seen from the table below. |
S.No |
Name of the Sastra
Modern Subject |
Some Imp. Books
of Ancient India |
1. |
Nidhi Sastra |
- Mining |
Mani Prakaranam,
Nidhi Pradeepaha, |
2. |
Kirana Sastra |
- The Science of Rays |
Ashani Kalpa |
3. |
Krishi Sastra |
- Agriculture |
Krushi Parasaram
Jaladhara Leela |
4. |
Vriksha Sastra |
- Botany |
Vriksha Ayurveda
Udbhidja Tatva
Prakarana |
5. |
Pasu Sastra |
- Animal Husbandry |
Chaturanga Bala
Chaturangam |
6. |
Bhoogarbha Sastra |
- Geology |
Jalaargala Sastra
Brihatsamhita |
7. |
Loha Sastra |
- Metallurgy |
Loha Ratnakara
Loha Rahasyam |
8. |
Rasa Sastra |
- Chemistry |
Nagarjuna Tantra |
9. |
Ayurveda |
- Medicine |
Rukhrudaya Tantra
Vishanirnayadhikara |
10. |
Vyomayana Sastra |
- Vimana Sastra
(Aeronautics) |
Only book available
today - Bharadwaja
Vimana Sastra |
11. |
Ganita Sastra |
- Mathematics which
includes Astronomy |
Kheta Sarvaswa
Aryabhatta &
Bhaskara's Works |
12. |
Nakshatra Sastra |
- Cosmology |
Aakasa Tantra
Brahmanda Saaraha |
13. |
Yantra Sastra |
- Engineering & Mechanics
( this Sastra was also called
Vastu sastra, or Silpa Sastra) |
Bruhat Yantra
Pattana Vaastu |
14. |
Dhanurveda |
- Martial science |
Dhanush sastra
Chankramana |
The extent and scope of the subject covered in each of the above branches is estimated based on the references available the details of which are presented in this article. The lists of important books and authors which deserve special search are also included.
The great volume and the depth of these Ancient Sciences are unparalleled any where in the world and certainly call for sustained research by modern scientists in this country. |
Lecture 27 |
Consultant Naturopath & Acupuncturist,
Medicit Hospitals, Hyderabad. |
Dr. S.N.Murthy |
Abstract |
Man has always tried to maintain ‘good health' employing various means as with out good health, life is as good as ruined. To day several kinds of therapies are available in the world. But the choice of therapy is made by a patient, based on the availability of medicare, degree of urgency of relief required, cost, complexity and consequences of the treatment etc.
Ancient civilizations like India , China and Greece always believed that one can maintain health ‘naturally' with out the aid of any medicines, which is other wise called Nature Cure. This is based on the fact that t he body has the ability to heal itself from disease, which is actually an anomalous situation, created by the blockage of the flow of vital energy. Nature Cure in principle is akin to “Swastha Vrittam”, which is a part of Ayurveda. Indian Nature Cure believes that as the body is made up of panchabhootas , namely earth, water, fire, air and ether, restoring a sick man to normal health requires only these panchabhootas and nothing else.
Nature Cure essentially comprises of i) regulated diet ii) various exercises, asanas and mudras (postures) prescribed in Yoga Sastra and iii) discrete application of the five basic elements of Nature (the Panch Bhootas) to the body in the form of Pranayama, Hydrotherapy, Mud therapy, Sun therapy etc.
In addition, Nature Cure also includes some of the ancient Chinese concepts like acupuncture and acupressure which apply suitable pressure to an affected organ. Dr. William Fitzgerald, an American ENT surgeon found in 1913 that the pressure on specific parts of the body could have an anaesthetizing effect on a related area. Thus he divided the body into ten pressure related vertical zones, ending in the fingers and toes. He concluded that pressure on one part of a zone could affect organs of the body within that zone. In the 1930's, Eunice Ingham, a therapist, refined this zone therapy into what is called foot reflexology. She observed that congestion or tension in any part of the foot reflects a similar condition in a corresponding part of the body. By working on these points the reflexologist can release blockages and accumulation of toxins and restore the free flow of energy to the whole body.
The reflexologist studies and analyzes the structure and condition of the feet and hands and locates areas of sensitivity and problematic organs. He then applies suitable pressure and stimulates the body thereby strengthening the defense mechanism of the body, speeds up the expulsion of toxins and establishes the normal flow of energy. The healing process is thus very gentle and takes place over a period of time, although relief is noticed in most cases instantaneously.
Reflexology, which is not be confused with massage, is a drug-free way of getting rid of diseases and maintaining good health. It works with an amazing efficiency and can be practiced by any body to reduce tension and congestion and relieve pain of ones own as well as others. By stimulating the reflexes of the human body in a systematic manner, many health problems are solved naturally and with ease. This technique has no damaging side effects.
The present author has found excellent results on application of gentle pressure on the acupuncture median points with a couple of tooth picks or used ball point pens instead of needles. In most cases the pressure has to be applied for about a minute on each point, with the total time not exceeding 30 minutes for each sitting. This simple therapy is found to strengthen body's own intrinsic healing capacity and respond well even in curing diseases accruing over long periods of abuse of the body. Depending on the intensity of disease and response of the body, a few ‘sittings' may completely cure the disease. |
Lecture 26 |
A Recap Of ESWARA's 25 Lectures And The Urgent Need To Promote
Research In Native Sciences Of Our Country |
Dr T.S.Ramakrishna |
Founder and Secretary ESWARA |
Since the beginning of the creation Man has always been trying to find ways and means of living comfortably and happily. Until a few centuries ago he was doing so with an acute sense of humility and an enormous respect for the Nature around him, on which his very life rested. But with the industrial revolution all concepts and human values have changed so shockingly that to day it is all together a different world. The bug of ‘development', the most abused word of present day, has caught in its vicious grip, individuals as well as countries forcing them to stretch themselves beyond their needs and means, to catch up with the so called developed countries. It is common knowledge that India with over a billion population has to develop its own brand of science and technology based on its socio-economic and cultural needs and resources and not necessarily ape the developed countries in all respects. Blind following of the so called development has been responsible for the irreparable damage caused to two of the most sensitive parameters on which the survival of the country is dependent: one is the human environment and the other is the human values.
Science and Technology always have a profound effect on the society and they invariably change the lifestyle, culture and values of the people. Inventions made by science are converted into various products by technology and brought to the people. Out of these products while some are essential others are comforts and luxuries, most of which are harmful to the man as well as his environment. We tacitly admit that the toxic effects of materialism borne out of the present day science and technology are eating away the vitals of the society.
Modern science accepts only such phenomenon that can be proved or reproduced in the laboratory as science and anything beyond that is superstition. But surprisingly as advances in instrumentation enable the determination of finer and finer details, incredible things are becoming credible. Science is much more than carpentry or black smithy and can not be contained in laboratory measurements. True science leads to philosophy which in turn leads to spirituality. With out a spiritual bend of mind science cannot be understood fully. Consciousness has already come to be realized as an important dimension in science. Just as the electromagnetic spectrum can not be seen by human eye except for the visible band, there could an invisible science beyond our comprehension and measurability.
It may do some good to remind ourselves that Ancient India had an amazing wealth of science of a different kind in the form of Vedas. Even the scientists were quite different. They were none other than sages who lived for the society and renounced everything except knowledge. Their consciousness was their knowledge base and their mind was their laboratory. With extraordinary sensory perception, far superior to any sophisticated sensors of today, they saw the past, present and future.
The following table shows the holistic and superior nature of the ancient sciences. |
Time tested |
Recent origin |
Final |
Evolving |
Clear |
Ambiguous |
Native |
Imported |
Cheap |
Expensive |
Eco friendly |
Inimical to environment |
Service oriented |
Profit oriented |
Promotes unified Society |
Promotes stratified society |
The ancient Indian science promoted a unified society. Irrespective of the stature, every individual or every living organism was an important and respectable component in the society. Everyone understood, respected and obeyed the Nature and its ‘natural' processes. It ran for millennia with out much problem, backed by the sacred concept of ‘harmony'. None felt too low or too high and performed his duties willingly and faithfully. Certainly there was more peace, contentment, happiness and security in the society.
It is for this sacred reason that we my look in to the amazing wealth of the Ancient Indian Science as can seen from the following table. |
Lecture No.
Date |
Topic |
Speaker |
Lecture - 29
25-9-2006 |
Some Course Corrections to India 's Scientific,
Economic and Cultural Developments |
Dr T.S.Ramakrishna |
Lecture - 28 |
Scientific Literature from Ancient Indian Scriptures -
A study by I-SERVE |
Pt. Kuppa Venkata Krishna Murty |
19-7-2006 |
Nature Cure, Reflexology and Acuprerssure |
Dr.S.N.Murthy |
Lecture - 26
16-6-2006 |
A Recap Of ESWARA's 25 Lectures And The Urgent Need To Promote
Research In Native Sciences Of Our Country
Dr T.S.Ramakrishna |
Lecture - 25
28-2-2006 |
Artificial Intelligence and Panini's Grammar |
Dr.C.S.R.Prabhu |
Lecture - 24
21-11-2005 |
The Science of the Soul And Evolution of Personality |
Shri. Nanduri Saiprasad |
Lecture - 23
19-10-2005 |
Herboprint Tm - A Unique Diagnostic Tool For Standardization And Validation Of Traditional Indian Medicines |
Dr.D.Vijaya Kumar |
Lecture - 22
2-9-2005 |
Consciousness-- The New Dimension In Science |
A.G.B.Reddi |
Lecture - 21
Care Of The Unborn Child With Yoga In The Present Age - Theory, Practice & Application |
Dr. Shamathakamani Narendran |
Lecture - 20
15-12-2004 |
The Perils of Solar Energy Exploitation |
Prof. K.C.Sahu |
Lecture - 19
17-11-2004 |
The Utility of Astronomical Calculations in Dating the Indian Epics and Vedas |
Shri. Ramulu Gajavada |
Lecture - 18
27-10-2004 |
Ancient Mathematical Sutras As Explained By , Swami Sri Bharati Krishna Tirthaji Maharaj,Sankaracharya Of Govardhan Mutt, Puri |
Prof. C. Shanthamma |
Lecture - 17
17-09-2004 |
The Impact of Food and 'Lifestyle' on Performance
- Suggestions from Gita and Yoga Sutras |
Dr.T.S.Ramakrishna |
Lecture 16
18-8-2004 |
The Glory of Ancient Indian Mathematics |
Prof. V.Kannan |
Lecture 15
17-5-2004 |
Panchatkarma-The Ayurvedic Technique Of Rejuvinating The Body |
Dr. K.V.Rajagopalan |
Lecture 14
2- 4-2004 |
Therapeutic Value of Music |
Prof. Nukala China
Satyanarayana |
Lecture 13
5-02-2004 |
The Effect of Heavenly Bodies on Life on Earth- The Indian Perspective |
Dr.C.V.B.Subramnayam |
Lecture 12
29-12-2003 |
Discovery of Bioactives from Traditional Indian Drugs-new opportunities and recent successes |
Dr.K.V.Raghavan |
Lecture 11
25-11-2003 |
Bharadwaja Vimanasastra- the Ancient Aerospace technology |
Dr.C.S.R. Prabhu, |
Lecture 10
Sustainable Agricultural Development based on Vedic Concepts and Literature |
Dr.Y.L.Nene |
Lecture 9
7-4-2003 |
Vedic Ecology |
Dr.B.Laxmi |
Lecture 8
27-12-2002 |
Vedas and Computers |
Sri. R.V.S.S.Avadhanulu |
Lecture 7
23-10-2002 |
Some geoscientific traditions in Sanskrit literature |
Dr.S.Madabhushi |
Lecture 6
28-8-2002 |
Will Science Come to an End? |
Dr.N.Sai Prasad |
Lecture 5
Bio-Vedic Therapy |
Dr.B.Laxmi |
Lecture 4
13-6-2002 |
Past Life Regression |
Dr.K.Newton |
Lecture 3
10-1-2002 |
The Origin and Sustenance of Life |
Dr.P.B.A.Venkatacharya |
Lecture 2
23-10-2001 |
Ancient Indian Metallurgy |
Dr.C.S.R. Prabhu, |
Lecture 1
17-10-2001 |
Wealth, Scope and Relevance of Vedic Sciences, to the Twentyfirst Century MankindandPreliminary studies related to Earthquakesbased on Vedic Sciences |
Sri R.V.S.S Avadhanulu |
These lectures are enough of evidence to prove that the ancient Indian sciences have dealt with almost every branch of science including agriculture, artificial intelligence, astrology, astronomy, consciousness, earthquakes, ecology, mathematics, medicine, metallurgy, solar energy, space technology etc. No doubt due, to neglect and lack of continuity, these sciences are in such a state that it is difficult to understand or appreciate their value. But the fact that ESWARA could conduct as many as 25 lectures during the last five years, shows their tremendous potential as well as relevance and the urgent need to initiate serious research in these sciences by national laboratories, universities etc.
A healthy respect for the Ancient India Sciences will certainly sober down the modern scientist, enhance respect for ‘minimum technology', save the environment and save valuable resources, all of which are essential for a ‘developing' country like ours. It is necessary for the Indian scientist to get over the thought slavery. Not because of any patriotic reasons or religious affinities but for the safety and well being of the children and grandchildren.
The abstracts of all the 25 lectures can be accessed through our website: www.eswaraindia.org |